At night we fly

Original title: På natten flyger vi
Published: Natur & Kultur, 2018

This is Anna. During the day she’s slow. She hurries in her boots and rescues worms along the way.
But at night… At night she is a lion queen, running barefoot in the savannah, faster than the sun.

During the day, the children in the neighborhood are ordinary kids. They live in apartment blocks, listen to the radio with grandpa or pick their nose, they are bored and want out. But at night, they do everything they dream of doing. Someone stands on the roof and plays the trumpet, another one hands out hot dogs to all the children and is friends with everybody in the whole city.

Read more at Koja Agency

“It is about humanity’s ability to journey inward and grow through dreams. The images are vibrant watercolors. The strength of the language lies in its minimalism. Hannah Arnesen— a star is born.”


“At Night We Fly is a delightful book to immerse oneself in and be inspired by for fantasies and conversations—a powerful debut with both beauty and humor, philosophical and existential depth, and artistic excellence.”


Reviews - Translated

”Det handlar om människans förmåga att resa i det inre och växa i drömmarna. Bilderna är färgsprakan- de akvareller. Språkets styrka är det minimalistiska. Hannah Arnesen - en stjärna är född.” 


”På natten flyger vi är en ljuvlig bok att försjunka i och låta sig inspireras av till fantasier och samtal - en stark debut med både skönhet och humor, filosofiskt och existentiellt djup och konstnärlig höjd.”  


Reviews - Original language