The Night Patisserie

Original title: Nattens Konditori
Published: Natur & Kultur, 2020

”Welcome to my patisserie!” says grandmother.
”I didn’t know you had a patisserie”, Leon says.
”Now you know and it’s only at night, for those like us,
those who can’t sleep.”

At the Night Patisserie we meet characters such as the bearded old man, the lady with the fox, and the princess who gets to eat the marzipan rose on the cake. Someone wants the most expensive cake and another guest just eats punsch rolls.They are many who cannot sleep, or do not want to sleep, or are afraid of the dark. Some even fear the light, just like the stars in the sky over the Night Patisserie.

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“The night becomes a patisserie, a charming, pink gathering place for all the wind-blown souls who can’t sleep. Of course, there are dreams on the cake plates.”


“The Night Patisserie is an absolutely delightful picture book that, with an apparently light touch both linguistically and through color-saturated, layered brushstrokes, captures the dreamlike, exciting, and slightly eerie situation Leon finds himself in. Arnesen skillfully paints a profound picture of loneliness and belonging. It is quiet, suggestive, and intimate.”


Reviews - Translated

Original language

”Natten blir ett konditori, en bedårande, rosa samlingsplats för alla de vinddrivna existenser som inte kan sova. Så klart finns det drömmar på kakfaten.”


”Nattens konditori är en alldeles ljuvlig bilderbok som med skenbart lätt hand såväl språkligt som med färgmättade laverade penseldrag fångar den drömska, spännande och ändå smått skrämmande situation Leon befinner sig i. Skickligt målar Arnesen upp en fördjupad bild av ensamhet och samhörighet. Det är tyst, suggestivt och nära. ”